dead RingeR…

I am finally finished with my second book. A short novella, quick, sweet and to the point. dead ringer cover  I held off for a while trying to decide if it needed more. More dialogue, more transition, more background or character depth. Ultimately, I could have taken another six months “puffing it up” but I liked the raw, fast pace of this downward spiral. A trail into madness.

Natasha, a successful girl-next-door type finds her doppelganger in a blogger she discovers by chance. Completely swept off her feet by this woman who’s life is much bigger and far more glamorous than her own. She soon becomes obsessed with Eden, this blogger who seems to have it all. The lifestyle, money, superhot boyfriend, and all the attention she could want.

But what about the attention she isn’t counting on? What happens when this look-at-me generation forgets to look over their shoulders? When they post that uber-cute picture hoping to impress strangers and gain another follower? What if that’s exactly what happens? Do we want strangers knowing all of the minute little details of our lives? What happens when we leave the doors open offering them just a little peek?

Can anybody blame Natasha for following the trail of breadcrumbs left before her? Or for what happens when she slowly slips into insanity far too delicious to miss out on? It just may make you think twice before posting that picture.

Down the rabbit hole…

DSC_0303        My Alice in Wonderland is finally finished, and if I

do say so myself, she is absolutely beautiful. I am thrilled with the way she came together, shy at first, but her personality finally blossomed and I learned a lot about her along the way.


One thing I realized is that Alice could not be complete without her white rabbit. But again, I had something specific in mind, even though it was a bit of a challenge, he turned out better than I could have imagined.

DSC_0437I love his little ascot, and he is holding his timepiece as well.

Don’t want anyone running late after all…