Miss Lola…

My pretty baby girl. Amazing how quiet it is here without you. For the tiniest dog we’ve had, you have taken up the most room in our hearts. I miss you so much more than I thought I might, and I keep expecting to see you sitting, cross-legged, right around the corner… guarding the food, or one of us from imminent dangers. I will miss how you used to try to “wipe the clean off” every time we gave you a bath, or how you never missed catching a morsel of food, no matter how far away it was thrown. I miss seeing you in your little crate, or snoring in the kitchen. I’ll even miss your tiny diapered bum. And I will forever miss your opera gloves and mile long tongue. Sweet dreams Lola P. And thank you for sharing your life with us.

Happy St. Paddies Day!

Yesterday my daughter came in to find me working. After watching me paint for a minute, she said, “I’m glad to see you making dolls again. It’s been a while.”

I stopped for a second and looked at the project in my hands. She was right. And on this particular afternoon, rainy outside, but warm and cozy indoors, I had been happy. Smiling to myself, possibly even humming, happy. I tend to put everything else before my happiness, for some reason treating it as trivial, or frivolous. Needing to be earned. Rather than a necessary form of self care. I will run myself ragged making everyone else happy, but can’t tend to my own until everything on my to-do list is clicked off.

Crazy. I was even treating this doll as a chore. I had wanted to make a leprechaun for a long while, inspired by a cute photo I saw. But now I was pressed for time, trying to get at least some of him accomplished before St. Patricks Day.

Her comment reminded me of just how important all the things are that bring us joy, not just the ones that we’re paid for, or we schedule in the planner.

Which brings me to my newest friend, who makes me giggle to look at him…

We don’t have a name yet, and we’re still debating over whether or not he needs eyes, but these things will come… and I will relish every minute I dedicate to it.