Love, loss. Creation and Magic.

I decided to take 2017 off. From here I mean. Although, that gives me an idea…

I had a lot to ponder, to sift through, to re-direct. In fact, in doing so, I started an entirely new series of books. It is for younger readers, or the young at heart at least. It is the “Abigail” series, and is halfway finished. Somehow I wrote the first book, was about to release it, and as it was being edited, I began book 2. Then I realized I wasn’t through with book 1 after all, started adding to it, and simultaneously began book 3 as well.

Still following me? Yeah. Welcome to my brain folks.

Anyway, as I write this, I am now wrapping up book 1 and book 2, and am following my thoughts down the rabbit hole with book 3.

The reason it is so convoluted is that I haven’t wanted to rush a thing. I have released skeletons from unlocked doors, and recalled blocked out childhood traumas, just to create a book that might stick with the reader.

Let me elaborate…

When I was a little girl, I remember pulling a book from a library shelf and losing myself in the first page turned. I honestly don’t think it was a pop-up-book, but in my mind it has stayed with me that way. I don’t remember the story, and could never find the book again, but for the evening in the library where the walls fell away and I transcended into a magical forest, with sugar cottages nearby, and colorful animal characters causing mayhem, nothing would ever erase that memory. Nothing had captured me quite like that book.

Now, with computer graphics, our electronics, video games and movies being able to produce anything imaginable, that is the one thing we have lost. Our ability to imagine.

The good and the bad, the light and the dark. Elation and fear.

Which was exactly what called me back to that magical place in my childhood. Stolen moments away from real life, which was messy and difficult. But those moments where you could feel the wonder fill your lungs as you breathed it in gently from the air. Where you would rub your eyes in disbelief, and people still believed in the magic of things…

That’s my motivation. And what I hope to share with you.

Just as soon as my brain will finally let me. 😉